GLY 1001 Chapter 13            Name:___________

Part K: Key Terms

Fill-in1yhe-blank with the word(s) that best fit the definition:


1. __________________________ portion of seafloor continents. Includes shelf, slope

                                                     and rise.

2. _________________________ gently loping surface at submerged portion of the continental margin, extending from the shoreline to the continental slope.


3. _________________________ steep gradient that leads to the deep ocean floor and marks seaward edge of the continental shelf.


4. _________________________ mountains formed in part by igneous activity associated with the subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a continent.


5. _________________________ gently sloping surface at the base of the continental slope


6. _________________________ an isolated volcanic peak that rises at least 1000 meters above the deep ocean floor.


7. _________________________ very level area of the deep ocean floor, usually lying at the foot of the continental rise.


8. _________________________ deep steep sided valleys out into continental slope and may extend across the entire continental rise to the ocean basin floor.


9. _________________________ or ________________________ a submerged flat topped seamount


10. _________________________ down slope movement of dense sediment –laden water created sand ad mud on the continental slope and shelf are dislodged and thrown into suspension.


11. _________________________ seafloor sediment derived from terrestrial weathering and erosion.


12. _________________________the portion of seafloor that lies between the continental margin and oceanic ridge system.


13. ________________________ along well developed divergent plate boundaries the seafloor is elevated forming a broad linear swell.


14. ________________________ an extensive region on the ocean floor composed of thick accumulations of pillow basalts and other mafic rocks.


15. _________________________ scientific study of the oceans and oceanic phenomena