GLY 1001 Earth Science  Name:____________

Chapter 14 Part K: Key Terms

Fill in the blanks with the word(s) that best fit the descrip[tion:


1. ________________________a subdivision of the benthic zone characterized by extremely high pressures low temperatures, low oxygen, few nutrients, and no sun.


2. ________________________that portion of the ocean where there is no sunlight.


3. ________________________ the upper part of the ocean into which any sunlight penetrates


4. ________________________ the area where land and sea meet and overlap; the zone between high and low tides.


5. ________________________ the process in which plants an algae produce carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of chlorophyll, using light energy and releasing oxygen.


6. ________________________ mass per unit volume of a substance usually expressed as grams per cubic cm.


7. ________________________ total mass of a defined organism or group of organisms in a particular area or ecosystem.


8. ________________________ the proportion of dissolved salts to pure water usually expressed in parts per thousandth.


9. ________________________ passively drifting or weakly swimming organisms that cannot move independently of ocean currents. Includes microscopic algae, protozoa, jellyfish, and larval forms of any kind.



10.________________________ portion of the photic zone near the surface where light is bright enough for photosynthesis.





abyssal zone    benthos            food web-                    photosynthesis pycnocline      

aphotic zone    biomass           intertidal zone             phytoplankton              salinity

benthic zone    density             oceanic zone               plankton

euphotic zone  food chain       pelagic zone                primary productivity

photic zone




















the marine life zone that includes any sea bottom surface regardless of its distance from shore.



the forms of ocean marine life that live on or in the ocean floor.


a succession of organisms in a ecological community through which energy is transferred from producers through herbovores and on to one or more carnivores.


a group of interrelated food chains.



marine life zone beyond the continental shelf.


open ocean of any depth animals in this zone swim or float freely.




algae plankton which are the most important community of primary producers in the ocean.



- amount of organic matter synthesized by organisms from inorganic substances through photosynthesis of chemosynthesis with in a given volume of water or habitat in a unit of time.


a layer of water in which there is a rapid change of density with depth.