Earth Science 11th Edition Vocabulary Chapter 16

By Megan Andrews  (GLY 1001 Student North Campus Fall 2006)


1. ________________-the scientific study of the atmosphere and atmosphere phenomena; the study of weather and climate.


2. ________________- solstice that occurs on June 21-22 in the Northern Hemisphere and December 21-22 in the Southern Hemisphere


3. ________________- the solstice that occurs on December 21-22 for the Northern Hemisphere and June 21-22 for Southern Hemisphere.


4. ________________- the parallel of latitude, 23½ degrees North latitude, marking the northern limit of Sun’s vertical rays.


5. ________________- the parallel of latitude 23½ degrees south latitude marking the southern limit of Sun’s vertical rays.


6. ________________ layer immediately above troposphere characterized by increasing temperature with height, owing to the concentration of ozone.


7. ________________- region of atmosphere immediately above the mesosphere and characterized by increasing temperatures.


8. ________________- the loser most layer of decrease in temperature within the atmosphere.


9. ________________- the state of the atmosphere at any given time.


10. ________________- a description of aggregate weather conditions, the sum of all statistical weather information that describes a place or region.


11. ________________- the transfer of heat by the movement of a mass or substance. It can take place only in fluids (liquids or gases).


12. ________________- the transfer of heat through matter by molecular activity. Energy is transferred through collisions from one molecule to another.


13. ________________- transfer of energy through space by electromagnetic waves.


14. ________________- radiation with a wavelength   from 7.0 to 200 micrometers.


15. ________________- radiation with a wavelength from .4-.7 micrometers.


16. ________________- radiation with a wavelength from .2-.4 micrometers.


17. ________________- a measure of degree of hotness or coldness of a substance. The measure of the average kinetic energy of individual atoms or molecules in a substance.


18. ________________- equinox in March 21-22 in the northern hemisphere and September 21-22 in southern hemisphere.


19. ________________- equinox occurs at the September 21-23 in the Northern Hemisphere and on March 21-22 in the Southern Hemisphere.


20. ________________- the transmission of short wave solar radiation by the atmosphere,  coupled with selective absorption of longer wave length terrestrial radiation.


21. ________________- a mixture of many discrete gases of which nitrogen and oxygen are most abundant. In which varying quantities of tiny solid and liquid particles are suspended.


22. ________________- solar energy scattered and reflected in the atmosphere that reaches earth's surface in the form of diffuse blue light from sky.


23. ________________- a molecule of oxygen containing 3 oxygen atoms.


24. ________________ kinetic energy of random molecular motion


25. ________________- the process whereby light bounces back from an object at the same angle at which it encounters a surface and with the same intensity.


26. ________________-the layer of the atmosphere immediately above the stratosphere and characterized by the decreasing temperature with height.


27. ________________- The great circle that separates daylight from darkness.


28. ________________- the tilt of the earth's axis from the perpendicular  plane of earth's axis


29. ________________- the redirecting (in all directions) of light by small particles and gas molecules in the atmosphere. The result is diffused light.


30. ________________- spinning of a body such as earth about its axis.