GLY 1001 Chapter 17        Name:___________

Part K: Key Terms Chapter 17

Fill-in-the-blank with the word(s) that best fit the definition:


1.____________________ - A form of condensation best described as a dense concentration of suspended water droplets or tiny ice crystals.


2. ____________________- One of three basic cloud forms: also one of the three high cloud types.  They are thin, delicate ice-crystal clouds often appearing as veil-like patches or thin, wispy fibers.

3. ____________________- One of three basic cloud forms; also the name given one of the clouds of vertical development.  Cumulus are billowy individual cloud masses that often have flat bases.

4. ____________________- One of the three basic cloud forms; also, the name given one of the flow clouds.  They are sheets or layers that cover much or all of the sky.


5. ____________________- Cooling or warming of air caused when air is allowed to expand or is compressed, not because heat is added or subtracted.


6. ____________________- The rate of adiabatic temperature change in saturated air.  The rate of temperature change is variable, but it is always less than the dry adiabatic rate.


7____________________-  The rate of adiabatic cooling or warming in unsaturated air.  The rate of temperature change is 1o C per 100 meters.


8. ____________________- The change of state from a gas to a liquid.


9. ____________________- The process of converting a liquid to a gas.


10. ____________________- The temperature to which air has to be cooled in order to reach saturation


11. ____________________- A cloud with its base at or very near the Earth's surface.


12. ____________________- Nearly spherical ice pellets having concentric layers and formed by the successive freezing of layers of water


13. ____________________ - Frozen or semifrozen rain formed when raindrops freeze as they pass through a layer of cold air.


14. ____________________- A solid form of precipitation produced by sublimination of water vapor.


15. ____________________- The ratio of the air's water-vapor content to its water-vapor capacity


16. ____________________ - A general term referring to water vapor in the air but not to liquid droplets of fog, cloud or rain.


17. ____________________- An instrument designed to measure relative humidity.


18. ____________________- A device consisting of two thermometers (wet bulb and dry bulb) that is rapidly whirled and, with the use of tables, yields the relative humidity and dew point.


19. ____________________- A thin coating ice on objects produced when supercooled fog droplets freeze on contact.


20. ____________________ - The maximum quantity of water vapor that the air can hold at any given temperature and pressure.


21. ____________________- The condition of water droplets that remain in the liquid state at temperatures well below 0o C.


22. ____________________- The condition of being more highly concentrated than is normally possible under given temperature and pressure conditions.  When describing humidity, it refers to a relative humidity that is greater than 100 per cent.


23. ____________________- That part of the total atmospheric pressure attributable to water-vapor content.


24. ____________________- Mountains acting as barriers to the flow of air, forcing the air to ascend.  The air cools adiabatically and clouds and precipitation may result.


25____________________- The energy absorbed or released during a change in state.


26. ____________________- A cloud that forms below a height of 2000 meters.


27. ____________________- A cloud occupying the height range from 2000 to 6000 meters.


28. ____________________- A cloud that normally has it base above 6000 meters; the base may be lower in winter and at high latitude locations.


29. ____________________- Fog formed when rain evaporates as it falls through a layer of cool air.


30. ____________________- The conversion of a solid directly to a gas without passing through the liquid state.


31. ____________________- The process by which water vapor is changed directly to a solid without passing through the liquid state.


32. ____________________- The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water 1o C


33. ____________________- A coating of ice on objects formed when supercooled rain freezes on contact