ESC 1000 Earth Science           Name:___Answers_____

Chapter 23 Part K: Key Terms

Fill in the blanks with the word(s) that best fit the description:


1. absorption spectrum (or Dark-line spectrum) – A continuous spectrum with dark lines superimposed.


2. Aurora – A bright display of ever-changing light caused by solar radiation interacting with the upper atmosphere in the region of the poles.


3. Bright-line (emission) spectrum – The bright lines produced by an incandescent gas under pressure.


4. Chromatic Aberration – The property of a lens whereby light of different colors is focused at different places.


5. Chromosphere – The first layer of the solar atmosphere found directly above the photosphere.


6. Continuous spectrum – An uninterrupted band of light emitted by an incandescent solid, liquid, or gas under pressure.


7. Corona – The outer, tenuous layer of the solar atmosphere.


8. Doppler Effect – The apparent change in wavelength of radiation caused by relative motions of the source and the observer.


9. Electromagnetic radiation (or radiation)  The transfer of energy (heat) through space by electromagnetic waves.


10. Eyepiece – A short-focal-length lens used to enlarge the image in a telescope. The lens nearest the eye.


11. Focal length – The distance from the lens to the point where it focuses parallel rays of light.


12. Focus (light) – The point where a lens or mirror causes light rays to converge.


13. Granules – The fine structure visible on the solar surface caused by the convection cells below.


14. Nuclear Fusion – A type of nuclear reaction which consists of several small nuclei reacting to form a larger nucleus. This is the source of the sun’s energy.


15. Objective lens – The collecting lens of a refracting telescope.


16. Photon – A discrete amount (quantum) if electromagnetic energy


17. Photosphere – The region of the Sun that radiates energy to space. The visible surface of the sun.


18. Prominence   A concentration of material above the solar surface that appears as a bright archlike structure

19. Proton-proton chain – A chain of thermonuclear reactions by which nuclei of hydrogen are built up into nuclei of helium.


20. Radiation pressure – The force exerted by electromagnetic radiation from an object such as the Sun.


21. Radio interferometer – Two or more radio telescopes that combine their signals to achieve the resolving power of a larger telescope


22. Radio telescope – A telescope designed to make observations in radio wavelengths.


23. Reflecting telescope – A telescope that concentrates light from distant objects by using a concave mirror.


24. Refracting telescope – A telescope that employs a lens to bend and concentrate the light from distant objects.


25. Solar flare – A sudden and teremendous eruption in the solar chromosphere.


26. Solar wind – Subatomic particles ejected at high speed from the solar corona.


27. SpectroscopeA instrument for directly viewing the spectrum of light source.


28. Spectroscopy   The study of spectra


29. Spicule – A narrow jet of rising material in the solar chromosphere.


30. SunspotA dark spot on the Sun, which is cool by contrast to the surrounding photosphere.



Chapter 23 Light, Astronomical Observations, and The Sun Word List:


Bright-line spectrum  

        (emission spectrum)

Chromatic Aberration


Continuous spectrum


Dark-line spectrum


Doppler effect

Electromagnetic radiation



Focal length



Nuclear fusion

Objective lens




Proton-proton chain

Radiation pressure


Radio interferometer

Radio telescope

Reflecting telescope

Refracting telescope

Solar flare

Solar wind



