ESC 1000 Earth Science    Name:_____________

 Chapter 4: Weathering, Soil, and Mass Wasting


Part K Chapter 4 Key Terms                                    36 Points

Fill in the blanks with the word or words that best fit the definition:


1.________________ - The steepest angle at which loose material remains stationary without sliding down slope


2. ________________- The processes by which the internal structure of a mineral is altered by the removal and/or addition of elements


3. ________________- The slow downhill movement of soil and regolith


4. ________________- A relatively rapid type of mass wasting that involves a flow of soil and regolith containing a large amount of water


5. ________________– The variation in the rate and degree of weathering caused by such factors as mineral make-up, degree of jointing, and climate


6. ________________- The down slope movement of water-saturated, clay-rich sediment. Most characteristic of humid regions


7. ________________ – The washing out of fine soil components from the A horizon by major El-Nino episode can cause extreme weather in many parts of the world


8. ________________ - The incorporation and transportation of material by a mobile agent, such as water, wind, or ice.


9. ________________– Large, dome-shaped structure, usually composed of granite, formed by sheeting.


10. Process such as weathering, mass wasting or erosion that is empowered by the Sun and transforms solid rock into sediment


11. ________________ - A type of movement common to mass-wasting processes that refers to the free falling of detached individual pieces of any size


12. ________________– A type of movement common to mass-wasting processes in which water-saturated material moves down slope as a viscous fluid.


13. ________________- The mechanical breakup of rock caused by the expansion of freezing water in cracks and crevices


14. ________________- A layer in a soil profile


15. ________________- Process such which derive their energy from the Earths interior such that parts of the Earths Surface is gradually elevated by mountain building and volcanic activity.


16. ________________– Mudflows on the slopes of volcanoes that result when unstable layers of ash and debris become saturated and flow down slope, usually following stream channels


17. ________________ - The depletion of soluble materials from the upper soil by downward-percolating water


18. ________________- The down slope movement if rock, regolith, and soil under the direct influence of gravity 


19. ________________– The physical disintegration of rock, resulting in smaller fragments


20. ________________- The material upon which a soil develops  


21. ________________ - The permanently frozen ground that occurs in Earth’s harsh tundra and ice-cap climates.


22. ________________– The rapid slide of a mass of rock down slope along planes of weakness


23. ________________-The layer of rock and mineral fragments that nearly everywhere covers the earths surface


24. ________________- The concentration of minor amounts of metals that are scattered through unweathered rock into economically valuable concentrations by weathering processes


25. ________________- A mechanical weathering process characterized by the splitting off of slablike sheets of rock


26. ________________- A movement common to mass-wasting processes in which the material moving down slope remains fairly coherent and moves along a well-defined surface 


27. ________________- The downward slipping of a mass of rock or unconsolidated material moving as a unit along a curved surface


28. ________________- A combination of mineral and organic matter, water, and air; that portion of the regolith and other plant growth


29. ________________ - A vertical section through a soil showing its succession of horizons and the underlying parent material


30. ________________- A soil classification system consisting of six hierarchical categories based on observable soil characteristics. The system recognizes 12 soil orders


31. ________________- The relative proportions of clay, silt, and sand in a soil. Texture strongly influences the soil’s ability to retain and transmit water and air


32. ________________- Slow, down slope flow of water-saturated materials common to permafrost areas


33. ________________- The O, A and B horizons in a profile. Living roots and other fined to this zone and other plant and animal life are largely confined to this zone.


34. ________________- Any weathering process that tends to produce a spherical shape form an initially blocky shape


35. ________________ - An accumulation of rock debris at the base of a cliff


36. ________________- The disintegration and decomposition of rock at or near Earth’s surface







Chapter 4: Weathering, Soil, and Mass Wasting Word List


Angle of repose

Frost wedging


Chemical weathering




Internal processes


Debris flow



Differential weathering


Soil profile

Earth flow

Mass wasting

Soil Taxonomy


Mechanical weathering

Soil texture


Parent material


Exfoliation dome



External processes


Spheroidal weathering



Talus slope


Secondary enrichment
