ESC 1000 Earth Science    Name:____________


Chapter 7: Plate Tectonics: A Scientific Theory Unfolds

Part E End of Chapter Review Questions                                       12 Points


Your instructor will either choose three questions of the following or they will be circled on the paper. If he chose only one, then you may chose two. If he circles two, then you may chose one. You write a short answer for 4-4-4 points each:


  1. (#9) What are three major types of plate boundaries? Describe the Relative plate motion at each of these boundaries.
  2. (#10) What is seafloor spreading? Where is active seafloor spreading occurring today?
  3. (#11) What is a subduction zone? With what types of plate boundaries is it associated?
  4. (#12) Where is lithosphere being consumed? Why must the production and destruction of lithosphere be going on at approximately the same rate?
  5.  (#17) How does the continental drift hypothesis account for apparent wandering of the Earth’s magnetic poles?
  6. (#20) Briefly describe the three mechanisms that drive plate motion.