ESC 1000 Earth Science    Name: __Answers___

Chapter 8: Earthquakes and Earth’s Interior

 (12th Edition : Chapter 8 Typed By: Margarette Eugene)

                            (formerly Chapter 7 in the 11th Edition)


Part K Chapter 8 Key Terms                                    32 Points

Fill in the blanks with the word or words that best fit the definition:


1.    ________________- Smaller earthquakes that follow the main earthquake.

2.     ________________- A subdivision of the mantle situated below the lithosphere. The zone of weak materials exists below the depth of about 100 kilometers and in some regions extends as deep as 700 kilometers. The rock within this zone is easily deformed.

3.    ________________- Seismic waves that travel through the earth interior?

4.    ________________ - located beneath the mantle, it is the innermost layer of the Earth divided into two regions: Inner and Outer..

5.    ________________ - The very thin outermost layer of the earth.

6.     ________________- The vibration of the earth produced by rapid release of energy.

7.     ________________- The sudden release of stored strain in rocs that results in  movement along a fault.

8.     ________________- The location of the earth surface that lies directly above the focus of an earthquake.

9.     ________________- A break in a rock mass along which movement has occurred.

10.                 ________________ - Displacement along a fault that is so slow and gradual that little seismic activity occurs.

11.                 ________________ - The zone within Earth where rock displacement produces an earthquake.

12.                 ________________- Small earthquakes that often precede a major earthquake.

13.                 ________________ - The solid innermost layer of earth, about 1300 kilometers (800 miles) in radius.

14.                  ________________- A measure of degree of earthquake shaking at a given locale based on the amount of damage.

15.                  ________________- A phenomenon sometime associated with earthquakes, in which soils and other unconsolidated materials containing abundant water are tuned into a fluidlike mass that is not capable of supporting buildings.

16.                  ________________- The rigid outer layer of earth, including the crust and upper mantle.

17.                  ________________- The total amount of energy released during an earthquake.

18.                  ________________- The 2900-kilometers (1800-mile) –thick layer of earth located below the crust.

19.                  ________________- The layer of the atmosphere immediately above the stratosphere and characterized by decreasing temperature with height.

20.                 ________________– A 12-point scale developed to evaluate earthquake intensity based on the amount of damage to various structures.

21.                  ________________- The boundary separating the crust from the mantle, discernible by an increase in seismic velocity.

22.                 ________________ - A more precise measure of earthquake magnitude than the richter scale that is derived from the amount of displacement that occurs along a fault zone.

23.                  - A layer beneath the mantle about 2200 kilometers (1364 Miles) thick that has the properties of a liquid.

24.                 ________________- A type of seismic wave that involves alternating compression and expansion of the material through which it passes.

25.                 ________________ - A scale of earthquake magnitude based on the motion of a seismograph.

26.                 ________________ - A seismic wave that involves oscillation perpendicular to the direction of propagation

27.                 ________________ - A rapidly moving ocean wave generated by earthquake activity capable of inflicting heavy damage in coastal regions.

28.                 ________________ - The record made by a seismograph.

29.                 ________________ - An instrument that records earthquake waves.

30.                  ________________- The study of earthquakes and seismic waves.

31.                 ________________- The zone between 104 and 143 degrees distant from an earthquake epicenter in which direct waves do not arrive because of refraction by the earth core.

32.                 ________________ - Seismic wave that travel along the outer layer of earth.





Chapter 8: Earthquakes and Earth’s Interior



Outer core


Inner core

Primary (P) Wave

Body wave


Richter Scale



Secondary (S) Wave



Seismic Sea Wave




Elastic rebound







Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale

Shadow Zone

Fault creep

Mohorovicic Discontinuity

Surface Wave

Focus (earthquake)

Moment Magnitude